Thursday, December 3, 2009


the time past so FAST!
today after have the Intercultural Studies class,
i've been to Garden City with my friends.

we go to Woolworths to buy some food.
(i need to buy, cause i'm staying at outside alone. :D)
i've bought ROTI, milk and pears :)
(i like to use ROTI rather than BREAD) Lols!

After that,
we've been to Big W
because i need a table lamp BADLY!
i've bought a table lamp, bulb, a mug and a kettle.
(the kettle i use to boil water inside room :D)
cause i always need hot water. Lol!

today i've used $50 dollars for all those stuff and my dinner.
we ate our dinner at Hannaichi.
a Japanese food shop :)
i ate Chicken Hannaichi rice.
er, not bad luhhs.
tomatoes, lettuce, chicken, japanese rice and etc etc :)
it cost me $6.80 -___-!!

will post up those thing's photo in the other post :D

tomorrow morning 8.30 i have Academic Skills mid-semester exam.
gonna start study now :D
Jiayous Claire!
Good Luck to me :)


GoodNight Peoples.