Tuesday, December 15, 2009

15 December 2009.

today so tired le.. :(
sibei sleepy >.<~~~!!!!

i slept at 1am something,
and then i seems like dreaming or what.
then i wake up,
then when i wake up.
i look at my phone and it was 4am++ ..
i feel like i just lie down,
then it already 4am d... =_________=!!
after that,
i was wake up at 6.30am because i going to school earlier today.
and then i start walking out to the bus stop at 7.15am.

i reached school at 7.30am,
then i was going to level 3 d computer lab and online :)
then 8.30am start my Marketing class. ><~!!
today Marketing class have 42 slides of power point. =______=!!
so scary sia.
beh dong nia =____=!!
then when the lecture was talking about the 38th slide,
then my friend miss call me and find me -.-"
then i go out "sembang" with my friend.
i really beh dong nia ..
so tired and sleepy today.
after sembang with my friend,
i really feel much more better.

after that i continue go to class.
then finished class at 12pm.
when i was walking down to bus stop with my friend,
then it's rain!!!!
then i run back to school and go down again.
after that,
when on the way go down to bus stop d time,
i met my friend,
then my friend borrow me umbrella =___=!!

i really very tired now :(
and very Sleepy now =( .....
although tomorrow i don't have class,
but i'm still going to school.
cause i need to print out my academic skills' article journal.
because i need to read the article and start writing my essay assignment,
then tomorrow i'm going out with my friend :)
have fun and relax awhile.
nice one =)