Wednesday, December 30, 2009


today actually have group meeting for Marketing at Garden city.
but now already Canceled.
because one of the member sms me and said that
she's sick and can't attend to the meeting.
Then i just told others,
and canceled today meeting.
and changed to other day.
now still not yet confirm the meeting change to when.
yesterday finished the intercultural studies meeting,
but then we cant finished it yet.
at least we had find some information for the presentation.
after that,
we 3 been to eat dinner at sunny bank (market square)
then we've been to sing k at new way.
then i get 2 lil toys again.
1 is lil stitch,
my house mate catch for me one :)
the 2nd one is lil bear,
is my fren,
the malaysia girl help me catch d :)

now i just hope STOP RAINING.
because i just washed my clothes and hanging at outside now.
then now need to PRAY for STOP RAINING.
i hope don't rain and let my clothes DRY!
oh my god.
please stop raining.
already rained for 1 week d. :(
gotta clean my room today *Again*
because today din go attend for meeting already,
so i should take some TIME out for my bed room.
because i don't like and don't want my room so messy ><~!
*Ate a bread for breakfast ^_^*
the bread is yesterday i bought d.
yesterday i bought 1 custard bread (i ate as breakfast just now)
1 "BAHU" cheese bread. (maybe later lunch d time eat.)
and 5 lil bun in a pack (it's yam and green tea flavour bun)
suddenly feel that the breads got PENANG, MALAYSIA flavour.