Sunday, March 14, 2010


This kind of weather going to kill me soon.
suddenly the sun was so HUGE and the weather was so HOT.
then suddenly so CLOUDY and so COLD.
and finally suddenly RAINING and COLD like Refrigerator.

I slept at 4am in the morning ..
i just can't sleep ..
last night keep raining ..
and COLD until i can't sleep ..
i will like this kind of weather if i'm not sick.
last night was sick like WTH.
Once i wake up i feel very headache ..
then my face was turning RED and HOT ..
i guess it's FEVER.
but luckily it's not really very serious ba.
and then at night i can't sleep because it's too COLD.!
i din even switch on the fan,
and closed door
-_______- ...
i still feel very COLD!
when i sleeping,
i was wearing my JACKET and cover with BLANKET like a ...
"BA ZHANG" ...
*And i looks PALE! -_-

and i wanna said that ..
i really addicted to "Bejeweled Blitz 2"
i even bought the game for my iPod Touch.
i just simply love this game,
and it wont make me feel sien.
First time can addicted to a game for such a long time.
no worries,
that's not too expensive to buy this game for my iPod Touch. :)

i wake up at 1pm just now.
feel much more better d.
but today's weather still remain the same as yesterday.
i plan to wash my clothes today,
but i think i need to delay one more day again :(
CLOUDY but SUN suddenly come out,
and then gotta hide again.
sibei jialat.
it's raining again.
Jialats liao la.
next week going to have NO CLOTHES to wear liao.

*I can feel winter is coming as the weather is starting to be cold.
Normally raining also won't be so COLD.
but then,
now d raining is like SNOWING.
sibei cold >