Monday, March 8, 2010


My Dinner :D
The mineral water, 3D glasses and Tickets.
from Cineplex, SouthBank. =)

today i woke up at 7am,
after finished done everything.
it's already 7.45am ~
after that,
i went to facebook update my status.
and then,
i went out to train station from home at 8am+
when i reach Helensvale train station,
it's keep raining.
although not that heavily,
but i din even bring umbrella.
(because my umbrella already spoiled,
somemore i don't have an umbrella now >
luckily i got bring my jacket with me everytime when i go out ^^
after that,
i just wear my jacket and walk to the Train station,
i get up to the 8.34am train and reached Southbank train station at 9.29am =)
we 3 went to watch 10.30am d 3D Alice in Wonderland ..
and we both bought the 3D glasses,
(next time still can use :D)
3D movie is nice,
and i also like,
because it looks so real at every graphic. =)
but the problem is ..
Alice in Wonderland (3D) is whole movie also 3D d ..
then we 3 need to wear the 3D glasses from 10.30am unil 12.35pm ..
Lols .____________________.
omg omg omg ..
wearing the glasses really make me feel dizzy when some graphic
comes to really very 3D ..
and the most important thing was,
luckily today i got wear my lens,
or else,
how can i suppose to wear the 3D glasses.
(impossible wearing glasses + 3D glasses. Lol!
also impossible only wear 3D glasses,
if you do this you will be watching a blur movie for 2 hours,
maybe after 2 hours, you also don't know what the movie is about.)
after walk for quite a long "awhile" ...
then i also went to train station d =) !
i went to get 3.59pm train at Fortitude Valley,
then i reached Helensvale train station at 5pm ~
after that,
i went to get car and drive myself home "SAFELY!"
Wow ..
luckily tomorrow don't have class ~
then i can rest more ~ ^^