Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What the FISH ?!

horrible ..
terrible ..
night and day ..

last night I went to sleep at 10 o'clock.
and What the FISH was ..
i can't sleep ..
and finally when i sleep d time is almost 10.45pm.

i wake up at 12am once ..
i wake up at 2am again ..
i wake up at 4.35am ..
and when 4.35am,
i was like can't sleep ..
i keep trying to sleep ..
but CAN'T.!
and then i switch my alarm (handphone) volume from 7 (max) to 1 (min)
hiao la,
and then i overslept until 6.45am ..

when i wake up d time,
i din think too much,
just run into the toilet and bathroom.
after finish change clothes and all.
get the key,
set alarm,
and rush out to the car.
today i drive was,
so LOL.

no worries,
i still alive sitting here typing my blog.
today was so lucky because there's all "GREEN" traffic light with me!
and finally i reached Helensvale train station
and i also parked my car at the other side and walk to there.!
I get up to the 7.20am train.
and reach SouthBank at 8.19am something.
when i reach class,
is 8.40am!~

and then,
today was having a stupid class.
for me,
Accounting Principles is stupid.
because i already learned 3 times (Plus this time)
i learned when i'm form 4 and form 5 when in Penang.
(It's malay version, i also can gao tim.)
The first semester in foundation i'd learned english version.
walao eh.
was killing me.
the lecture and tutor keep saying need at least 45 minutes ~ 1 hour
to do those question.
and i done all of them in 15 minutes (maybe less, but impossible more)

today is the first day i reached home so early.
i get the 1.03pm train
and reached Helensvale train station at 2pm.
and reaches home at 2.15pm.

that's it for today =)
now i gotta go and research for my Marketing information.

SeeYa. :)