Thursday, March 11, 2010


God blessed,
Last night i slept at 9pm.
(this is the really very FIRST time)
although i wake up at 12am,
but i sure that not more than 5 minutes,
i slept again!
*i never eat medicine,
just being too tired and SLEEP.
guess what,
i wake up at 5.15am,
huuuuuhs! :)
and after i done everything,
i still have time to switch on my laptop and then online.
after online for 20~30minutes,
i also went out to helensvale train station.
been waiting for 7 minutes,
the train came =D
and today i was extremely guai.!
i read my marketing power point slide and textbook when on train.
Hohoho! XD"
*i just can't sleep on the train
due to i slept too much last night.

Nothing much happened in class today.
but during break time,
i went to the canteen with my friend,
because i was really HUNGRY!
and then i bought a chicken burger and eat :x
after eat until halfway,
i go and correct my students id's card mistake.
and finally it was done.
after finished the lecture section,
while waiting the tutor come in,
i continue and also finished my the other half of chicken burger.

after finished class i din go home,
i stay at computer lab with my friend,
accompany her and also i need to print my papers.
after done all,
it was like 1.24pm,
then i also going home =D
while on the way walking to the bus station,
i met a Japanese boy,
he is same accounting and marketing class with me.
he is going to city to have his lunch,
and obviously,
i'm going to southbank to get my train =)
today i reached train station,
i see PROPERLY with the train.
i don't want to get the 3rd time mistakes.
sorry for i always being blur! :(

once went up to the train,
my mind is still functioning,
but the train moved like 20minutes,
i starting sleepy,
and of course,
i SLEPT all the way from loganlea to helensvale.
and once i reached Helensvale train station,
i go and made my "go" card.
*my old one gonna expired soon.

and then i just drive home safely :)
nothing much to say d.
just keep feeling tired.
tomorrow have morning class again!
it's Business Information System.
after class,
maybe i will hang out with friends,
because i need to buy something at the CITY.!
*Everytime when i have class i'll be home at
around 2.50pm (the earliest) and 5.10 (the latest) .

Good Night and Sweet Dream people.! <3>