Sunday, March 7, 2010


Today morning i woke up at 12pm ..
so sleepy eventhough after wake up ..
Feeling tired then i went to sleep ..
after wake up also still feeling tired ..
now really don't know wanna sleep or not d ..
Uhh ..
once i wake up ..
the sky still dark ~ still cloudy ~
keep on raining once i back to Australia from Malaysia ..
Lol ..
I just wanna wash clothes !
why so hard worr.
but when 2pm ++ d time ,
the cute SUN come out !
then i faster went to wash all the clothes ,
after finished wash all my clothes ,
the sun hide again =( !
but then ,
i don't even care ~
i just hanged all my clothes out to garden there !
although the sky is dark ~
but i just don't care and hang them out @___@ ..
until now (8.21pm)
they all are still at outside !
(please don't rain until tomorrow morning ! =D) !
Hmm ..
just received a call from 2 of my friends ..
we're going to hang out tomorrow ! =)
we going to watch "Alice in Wonderland 3D" together
at South Bank Cineplex tomorrow morning @ 10.30am :) !
after that going to hang out together ^^
Hmm ..
tomorrow i will be wake up at 7am =) !
i'm going to take 8.34am train and ..
i will be reach south bank train station at appoximately 9.29am.
Oh Yeah,
i really wanna say something out ! >
Just now when 5pm d time,
i went to have a nap,
but the problem is ..
i just fall asleep,
then my friend called me ..
after that ,
i continue sleep for like half an hour ,
the other people call me ..
when 6.15am ..
i really beh tahan liaos ..
just woke up without having nap d =___= ...