Tuesday, October 20, 2009


i feel BORED.

today morning...
Finally i can enrolled to academic and proffesional skills development
(Walao eh, the name sibei long -.-)

Guess what,
after i enrolled.
i need to pay more about 100 dollars.
(That's why today afternoon i've been to bank with papa)

After i come back from back with papa,
then i just enroll and pay for the 100 dollar
(use my debit card..)

suan le bahs!
cause next semester,
when i studying diploma d time,
i only get 3 subjects in the first semester.
cause i will complete my academic this semester ^__^!!

Below is my timetable.
(i put them into 4 days.)
cause i don't want like last semester liaos,
sibei tired. (8.30am~5.30pm)

Monday - Economics
[1.30pm ~ 5.30pm]

Tuesday - Introduction to Marketing
[8.30am ~ 12.30pm]

Thursday - Intercultural Studies
[1.30pm ~ 5.30pm]

Friday - Academic and Professional Skills Development
[8.30am ~ 12.30pm]

Although it looks like i need to go to uni more days.
(Obviously. Lols)
but, i know that it will be better for my studies :)
at least, wont fishing in the class again ~"~

tomorrow need to start pack something lerhs.
(Hope everything will be alright and fine.^__^)

having headache and dizzy today =___=!!
(i will rest later >.

Claire Claire JIA YOU!
Claire Claire GAMBATEH!
Claire Claire Aja Aja Fighting!

75 days of blogging.1
24 days been in AUSTRALIA.
(4 MONTHS le~ i still ALIVE!! ~\(≧▽≦)/~)

Count Down :
41 days more to my 18th BIRTHDAYY!
112 days more then i can go back Penang!!
(Penang I'm COMING!!! ╭(╯3╰)╮)