Friday, October 23, 2009

Dinner :)

today been to Aunty Julie's house for dinner.
Fresh scallope, fresh fish, bitter gourd, vegetable, mushroom.
(served in each person 1 plate :D)

we've been to a seafood shop that in Surfers Paradise to buy those seafood.
and then ..
still got salmon rice :)
today is a japanese style dinner.
nice dinner.

but after dinner.
we having ...


it's quite boring (forgive me to say this) =.=
guess what,
when aunty Julie know i can sit "Double Lotus"
she said that
"Claire is born to be a meditator."
after this sentence i think i need to go for meditation when i'm free.

this thursday got a Zen talk held in Griffith University Nathan Campus =__=!
it's from 7.30pm~9.30pm.
if daiyee got go..
means i need to go too.
but between,
that day i got class until 5.30pm too =__=!

this friday until sunday got meditation that at aunty Julie's house.
she invited about 20++ persons.
and few monks =__=!
to give talks and dharma talks.
the monk is an U.S. monk but he followed his SiFu at Korea for 19 years.
and if i'm not wrong he is 51 years old now. =__=!
and he is a translator for korean to english or english to korean.
it's too pro. :)

say truthly,
i really don't have much interest in meditation.


because i can't concerntrate.
but, i'll try my best if you want me to do that.
i have no choice because i'm in australia now.
if i'm in penang,
when i don't like d things i can say NO.
but i don't DARE to say NO in Australia.
because it's not my country and i can't say NO to my aunty.
i don't know why.

let's see what i've learned in this four months plus in Australia.
1) Use vacuum to vacuum floor. (i do this before when i'm in penang too LOL! but only my room :3)
2) Wash cloths with the washing machine.
3) Hang the cloths out. (i've done this before when i'm in penang. LOL)
4) Ironing all the cloths.
5) Fold the cloths after ironing them.
6) Get train. (awesome, this one really learned here. cause penang don't have train too!)
7) Use internet to give payments. (i have my 1st debit card in Australia :D)

etc etc..

i think still have more just i can't think it now XD"
will add it when i remember :)