Thursday, October 1, 2009

Computing Lesson writing blog again,

I feel so SICK!
last night sleep at 2.30 in the morning.
(Means today morning.)
and i wake up at 5.30am.
(Gosh, i only slept for about 3 hours.)
Now sibei tired and sleepy.
Knn!! >.<~~
guess what,
i feel cold in the computer lab. =.="
(Luckily i got bring my jacket, if not i think i will be FREEZE) o.o"
everything will be alright after finish today.
today is the last day got class.
after that,
i'm having the final semester exam start from this saturday :(
i don't know WTH i can study for...
(Communication Skills I, Accounting, Statistics and Introduction to Computing.)
next semester gonna start.
Time past so fast. >~<
i come here for around 4 months ady.
i still ALIVE. Lols. =.=""
p/s : I'm having Computing class now ~.~"
(write until here first, Continue tonight :P)
60 days of blogging.
107 days been in AUSTRALIA.
Count Down :
58 days more to my 18th BIRTHDAYY!<3