Saturday, October 10, 2009

Today is SATURDAY ツ

lalala~~ ♪
today is Saturday ^^
just come back from Helensvale with papa and we bought alot of things!
1 XL size Toblerone and 2 L size Toblerone ~(@^_^@)~
Then 1 packet of Chocolates and 1 packet of Macadamia Nut.
(not for me d~ is for papa bring back to Malaysia one :3)
Then then we still bought 1 packet of oranges that cost us only AUD$ 1.99
(WTFish, so Cheap ⊙﹏⊙b)
then i saw NUGGETS!
(i miss gurney mcd's nuggets ╭(╯^╰)╮)
Then bought the Pork Sausages (~ o ~)~
Papa bought one "RICE COOKER" for Mama \(^o^)/
The one use microwave to cook de ~~ (*^__^*)
and took quite alot of photos
i will post in the other POST ~~ ╮(╯▽╰)╭
69 days of blogging.
116 days been in AUSTRALIA.
(4 days more then 4 MONTHS le~ i still ALIVE!! ~\(≧▽≦)/~)
Count Down :
49 days more to my 18th BIRTHDAYY!
120 days more then i can go back Penang!!
(4 more months i can go back PENANG for 20 days!! ╭(╯3╰)╮)