Sunday, November 22, 2009

22nd November 2009

today morning daddy wake me up.
cause he say dai yee gonna bring us go makan dim sum!
then i was like...
"What happen?!"

after that,
we've been to Australia fair to eat dim sum at "Top One"
but today fail to grab the dim sum in "Top One"
cause too many peoples liao. =.="
then we ate japanese food.

i ate Seafood Udon,
daddy ate Tempura Udon,
Daiyee ate Genki Udon.
but the taste is really not bad.


sumore the prawns is so FRESH! :D
after that we've been to the chinese shop that in Australia fair mia.
then we've been to Harbour Town buy some vege and fruits.
then the last.
we've been to Woolworths that in Oxenford.
(near our house one.)

today weather is sibei HUMID and HOT :(
i dont like this weather.
sobs. T^T

gotta do Economics homework later.
(although i dont know what he teaching,
but i still can do homework.
i feel that i so PRO sia :P)

i feel so SLEEPY and TIRED.!

4 more days i turning 18,
the first time i need to past my bday without all my family members.
i'm alright :D

but the worst things is,
i gotta past my day inside the train and
intercultural studies class.

hope will have a nice and fun birthday :)

104 days of blogging.
155 days been in AUSTRALIA.
(i come aus for 5 months d~!! i still ALIVE!! ~\(≧▽≦)/~)

Count Down :
4 days more to my 18th BIRTHDAYY!
(Less than 1 week! What you guys going to gimme as 18th birthday's present?XD")
81 days more then i can go back Penang!!
(LESS THAN 3 MONTH!!! Penang I'm COMING!!! ╭(╯3╰)╮)