Tuesday, November 24, 2009

24th November 2009.

Having Marketing this morning.
and today morning i stand for 1 hour inside the train.
cause there are no place for me to sit.
and the floor is so disgusting -.-"
if u wan me to sit, i rather stand for 1 hour.
(that's the reason why i stand for 1 hour)

today marketing class ended at around 11.15am
then i go and catch train at South Bank.
reach home at around 1 something.
(sleep on the train, it's so NICE.
because have aircond inside. Lols!)
HEllo, i pay for it, okay? XD"

today lunch = MAGGIE!
i always ate maggie.
it's alright.
i love it, it love me.

surfing the net whole day to find room for rent.
and i got it finally.
tomorrow im going to school meet 1 of my friend,
then she accompany me go to see the room.
I just knew that the room is very near with my EX HOMESTAY!
yea, it's about 1 road?
(front and back?) :)
i only going to see one room.
and i will rent it, i think. i hope so.

bless me for the room is good and nice.
the girl that i phone her is a MALAYSIAN too.
she is from KUCHING.
okay, i'm still is my lovely PENANG KIA XD"
i ask her how many peoples staying there,
she say 1 taiwanese, her (msian) and 3 china boy.
knn, i feel like WTF is happening.
(anyway, tomorrow im going to see)
i think i will rent it because i also going to rent for 2 months only.
(it's like 10 weeks.)
i think everything will be alright.
i hope everything will be alright.

i want to rent the room not because of..
the girl is malaysian but..
because of the location.
if it at my EX HOMESTAY place.
means i only need to get bus go school.
(for 2 bus stand only.)
means i can sleep longer and dont need to suffer on the train -.-"

and the room is AUD$ 110/per week.
(include everything + internet)
tomorrow im going to ask all details.
i'm alright with everything because i always inside the room only :]
as long as can online then everything will be fine.
not i dont like to go out.
but i DONT WANT to go out.
because once you go out,
your wallet/purse gonna become small and smaller.
i'm the most poor student.
i admit i am :)

it sounds like tomorrow daiyee at night gonna make a party again.
the party is to celebrate my birthday.
dont ask me fun or not.
cause im gonna F*ck u off.
my birthday = invite her friends.
and my mouth gonna smile few hours until it become hard. =.=
(anyway, still need to say thank you to her,
although she is inviting her fren to "CELEBRATE" my "18th Birthday".
friday going to have lunch with my friends.
they wanna celebrate my birthday. :]

Actually i still got abit beh song because thursday need to have..
intercultural studies. =__=!! (Australia's history)
somemore that day is gonna teach "White Australian have a Black History"
nvm~ think the positive way and everything will be fine and alright. :]

GOOD NIGHT PEOPLES! gonna sleep now.
today so sleeeeeeppyyyy.!

106 days of blogging.
157 days been in AUSTRALIA.
(i come aus for 5 months d~!! i still ALIVE!! ~\(≧▽≦)/~)

Count Down :
2 days more to my 18th BIRTHDAYY!
(Less than 1 week! What you guys going to gimme as 18th birthday's present?XD")
79 days more then i can go back Penang!!
(LESS THAN 3 MONTH!!! Penang I'm COMING!!! ╭(╯3╰)╮)