Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hmm.. study stuff. /?

Next Wednesday i'm moving back to stay in Brisbane.
which means i don't need to suffer with the travelling distance.
and i don't need to wake up SO EARLY :)
i can sleep more >///<
(feel so nice when can sleep more. Lols)

This week is a BUSY week.
Monday - Have Economics class in the afternoon.
Tuesday - Have Marketing class in the morning.
Wednesday - Need to move back to Brisbane.
Thursday - Have Intercultural Studies class in the afternoon.
Friday - Have Academic Skills class in the morning and mid-semester exam.

Diploma courses mid-semester exam start at next week.
Foundation courses mid-semester exam start at the week after next week.

and i'm having 1 diploma course which is my Academic Skills and
3 Foundation courses which is Marketing, Economics and Intercultural Studies.
but i only have mid-semester exam for 3 courses.
Which is Academic Skills, Economics and Intercultural Studies.
Marketing don't have mid-semester exam because..
we need to make a video for advertisement as a group assignment.

After move back to Brisbane.
i need to start STUDY le..
i really need some MOTIVATION to make myself move.
i just too lazy to do everything -.-"

Good Night peoples. :)
Sweet Dreams.