Tuesday, November 3, 2009


There's no sit to sit in the train this morning when i'm going to uni. :(
and i stand for ...
like 50minutes? T.T
my leg just like just "stark" ...
and i'm sleepy all the way..
the marketing text book is DAMN heavy.
and my water bottle is DAMN big =____=!!

conclusion is,
my bags is very heavy.
and i just carry it whole "journey"...
my shoulder very pain T__T!!

today marketing class is not bad.
because i just knew that Julie (she is from myanmar) same class with me.
i'm happy with this :D
but the problems is,
i just feel sleepy when Chris is teaching through the Power Point Slide.
and today we get the Marketing workbook already.
i get a BLUE colour cover's workbook :)

when i get train home d time,
i fall asleep inside the train =.="
i'm just too tired.
after papa fetch me home,
today dai yee make the
the crunchy crunchy one ^^
so niceeee!~~
and cook some brocolli.
we ate this for lunch and dinner =)

thats it for today.
*tomorrow got no class~ can sleep late abit :D*