Saturday, November 28, 2009

Lazy Claire.

sorry for din blog yesterday :(
i being lazy now.
no la,
actually yesterday i din online for a long time.

morning i've been to garden city to see the room that i going to rent.
it's not that bad and not that "good".
not your house ma.
sure cannot say GOOD. :)
the room was painted in PINK colour -.-"
it contain 1 queensize double bed, 1 built in wardrobe,
1 table, 1 chair, and ceiling fan.

er, so this few days i need to start PACKING again.
lmaos. (i'm moving to there next Wednesday (2nd December))
cause daddy going back to penang at thursday,
and cause i only dont have class during wednesday. :3
i din bring alots of things ba,
cause i will be going back to
Gold Coast when i got nothing to do in Brisbane.

okay next.
yesterday morning have Academic skills class,
and mock exam for Academic Skills.
diploma courses mid-semester exam start next week.
means i having Academic Skills mid-semester exam next Friday.
and foundation courses mid-semester exam start at the week after next week.
i will sit for only 2 courses of foundation mid-semester exam,
which are Intercultural Studies (abit like Australia's history)
and Economics (i will Jiayous for this course.)
Marketing don't have mid-semester exam :)
so i only need to do 3 exams instead of 4 exams.

and yesterday finished class.
i go meet with my ex homestay's girls :)
Linda (china) and Apple (hongkong)
we've been to city have lunch at a japanese restaurant :)
they treat me eat as to celebrate my birthday.
Thanks! ^^

after finish eating,
we just walk around in the City :)
and we also shopping in Myer.
although i have the $50 dollars Myer card,
but i din buy anything too. -__-!
i din used any money for yesterday,
only need to use my "Go card" for the bus fare and train fare.

and guess what,
yesterday after reach home i dont feel well x__X
i feel headache, dizzy and whole body pain,
then i sleep from 9.45pm++
until today morning 10am.
i slept for 12 hours, but the sleep seems like din work.
i feel more tired =___=!!
dont tell me because i sleep too much.!

today got nothing special happened lo.
just i've already told Daiyee that next wednesday after 4.30pm
i going to move to that room only.
And father being superman today.
(if wanna know why i say so,
please look at the photo that i gonna post at next article XD)

gonna start doing something for my studies.
cause i wanna get at least 4 Distinction like last semester again
last sem i got 3D and 1HD {6.25Gpa point now}
D = Distinction [75~84marks]
HD = High distinction [85~100marks]
i was trying to get at least 6GPA point (out of 7) in my foundation.
cause i think 6 GPA point then can
straight away go for Degree year 1.
if not,
i can continue study diploma in QIBT.
it's alright,
but i wanna let myself have a try. :)

Hey, i'm 18 now.
i don't wanna grow up -.-"
but, this is the fact that i need to face.

107 days of blogging.
158 days been in AUSTRALIA.