Monday, November 9, 2009

Sick :(

Today is the first time i did'nt attend to Uni.
(im not purposely don't want to attend Economics class,
but i get sick. T.T )

Today i woke up at around 5.45am...
because daiyee going to the Coolangatta Airport...
and i need to follow ~"~ ...
then we went out at 6.15am...
(actually when i wake up i already not feeling well..
i feel headache and wanna vomit..)

then i keep FISHING inside car.
after reach the Coolangatta Airport then daiyee go in the airport.
then me and papa go home.
inside car d time,
i just don't feel well :(

i "lun" (hokkien) until beh dong..
finally fall asleep inside car :(
i just feel wanna vomit and dizzy ...
when reach home it's like about 8am ..
then i go in room and continue sleep
really feel sick..

when i wake up d time already 1.30pm!!
problem is when i wake up still don't feel well..
i feel like wanna vomit , dizzy and headache :(
then, im doing some revision and marketing homework..
today ate white porridge..
(1 hard boiled egg, abit salted egg, and 1 small piece of salted fish)

and i ate 1 panadol =____________=!!
tomorrow morning still have marketing class.
gonna rest earlier...

*Took some photos, will be upload in the other new post.

91 days of blogging.
142 days been in AUSTRALIA.
(8 days more i come here for 5 months d~ i still ALIVE!! ~\(≧▽≦)/~)

Count Down :
17 days more to my 18th BIRTHDAYY!
(What you guys going to gimme as 18th birthday's present?XD")
94 days more then i can go back Penang!!
(Penang I'm COMING!!! ╭(╯3╰)╮)


addicted to
Leona Lewis - Homeless.
You don't love me anymore
You don't want me anymore
There's a sign on your door
No vacancy, just emptiness
Without your love
I'm homeless.