Saturday, November 7, 2009

FREAKING tired =(

today i wake up at around 10am.
then we go out like around 10.30am.

The first place that we've been is 'The Oasis'.
(it near Surfers Paradise one. is a shopping mall.)
we've been there to eat DIM SUM!! :)
the DimSum taste so niceeeeee >~<
we ordered..
siu mai (not me >~cha siu bao (The bao pui so soft :3), Spring roll~, (hothothot! nice :D)
wu kok (the yam one, very nice!),
Fung Zhao (chicken feetS. idk, daiyee eat mia. i don't eat this =__=!)
i think that's it :)
it's nicer than the surfers one and the australia fair one ^^~

The second place that we've been is 'Pacific Fair'.
daiyee bought me a jacket that very warm one at 'Kathmandu'
a very EXPENSIVE shop =.="
the jacket is AUD$179.98 if no discount.
do you think i will spend RM540 to buy a jacket? HELL NO!)
but then, just now when we bought is is only AUD$49.98 (means 50 dollars)
we save AUD$130 on the jacket.
i bought a black colour one.
but say truth, the jacket really warm!
daiyee said this is specially designed for those who go and climbing one.
cause enough light!
i buy this to prepare my next winter in Australia :)
(i choose black colour because it really look nice :D)

The third place that we've been is 'Bunning Warehouse'.
We go there and buy alots of gardening stuff!
(The first time i try on GARDENING! >~<)
we bought 4 different type of soil.
Very HEAVY arrr >__<
then then we bought 4 type of flower!! ^__^~
and i really have a question,
and this question still in my mind.
which is..
'Australia got SUNFLOWER? cause i never seen until now :('
i really like SunFlower.
that's why,
compare to other girls,
i do weird.
normal girls love Roses.
but not for me,
i like SunFlower :)

The last place we've been is 'Harbour Town'
we go there to bought some vegetables only :)
we bought 3 eggplant, 1 bag onion, 1 bag garlic,
brushed potatoes and CABBAGE(*loves*).

Then we back to home :D
we do abit gardening.
actually i seems like do nothing :(
then i just grab my camera and took some photos let you all see :3
today i captured a ladybird, a Bee, a Spider and lots of Flowers ^^~

That's it for today~
i'll post all the photos at a new post :D

89 days of blogging.
140 days been in AUSTRALIA.
(10 days more i come here for 5 months d~ i still ALIVE!! ~\(≧▽≦)/~)

Count Down :
19 days more to my 18th BIRTHDAYY! ❤
(What you guys going to gimme as 18th birthday's present?XD")
96 days more then i can go back Penang!! ❤
(Penang I'm COMING!!! ╭(╯3╰)╮)


SunFlower represent happiness and it will give you hope. :)
the other meaning of it are ...
bright and hate violence, war.

It does same to me :)