Friday, November 13, 2009

Tired :(

i dont know why.
every Friday i feel TIRED.
i think all because of the Academic Skills class.

But the first 2 hours,
i past it without sleeping.
guess what,
i'm GUAI student XD"
no la,
actully i din sleep or what because...
i'm doing the last 2 hours lecture's homework.

and i'm listening to my iPod while the tutor is talking in front of the room.
*for me, She is just talking CRAP -.-*
forgive me to say this out LOUD,
cause she really talk CRAP.
that i've already knew when the first semester FOUNDATION. =___=!!

guess why i want to listening to my iPod..




Answer is ...

Her voice is just too IRRITATING! BOTHERING!
sibei high pitch voice -.-

make me can't conceerntrate finished the homework
that the last 2 hours lecturer's homeworks XD"
don't say me naughty,
because is my friend start first,
then i follow XD"!

we just IGNORING things that she said.
and i wasted alot of money in the computer lab again.. = =
(for printing all the materials, hand out, notes and all)
suck money sia -.-"
print 1 paper = 10 cents.
what the HECK! HELL!
but bo bian la,
print print ki,
then no need print again ~"~

Dai yee said that..
tomorrow got 20++ peoples coming.
i got no idea anymore.

95 days of blogging.
146 days been in AUSTRALIA.
(4 days more i come here for 5 months d~ i still ALIVE!! ~\(≧▽≦)/~)

Count Down :
13 days more to my 18th BIRTHDAYY!
(Less than 2 weeks! What you guys going to gimme as 18th birthday's present?XD")
90 days more then i can go back Penang!!
(3 MORE MONTHSS!!! Penang I'm COMING!!! ╭(╯3╰)╮)