Thursday, April 1, 2010


Hello people.!
hope you guys enjoy today :P!

oh well,
today I woke up as usual at 5.15am ~
after finished bath and prepare everything,
I went to Helensvale at 6.20am as usual too :)
Today parked at a very NEAR lot.
Lucky April fool day :P

today had a same same BORING marketing class again ;)
it's alright,
having a super GOOD mood today ^^
*I just wanna keep being YOUNG. XD"

During Marketing class,
I just knew that our mid-semester exam will held after the week of holiday.
means 16th April 2010.
Friday, and 6pm until 8pm >_<
when I knew this,
if exam until 8pm,
i will reach South Bank train station at approximately 8.25pm,
then will catch 8.30pm or 9pm train.
after that,
when reach home also 10pm~10.30pm d ><~

Never mind la~
things will be settled when it comes. :)
I already think before,
I will bring my laptop go at 16th April,
because in that morning I have Business Information Systems class.
maybe will until 1.30 or 2.30pm
(because need to replace tomorrow's class)
*Tomorrow is Easter Day :)
It's a public holiday in Australia, I guess Malaysia too :D
after finish the B.I.S. class,
I can go to the library with my laptop.
I can online and also revision for the 6pm exam :)
because it is impossible for me to go home.
*It only waste time.

After finished my Marketing class and discuss for the Marketing group project,
I went to the Griffith bus-stop and wait for my friend. :)
we went to Pancake house and have our lunch,
after that,
I accompany him go Priceline to get his medicine.
then he accompany me go and buy my high heels.
we went to myer and david jones,
but din get the heels that suit to me.
At last I bought my high heels at Betts.
*The high heels is for the presentation ;(
need to learn how to wear from NOW.

guess what,
I din fall down when I wear the heels.
and the most important thing was,
I keep thought it's 8cm,
when I reached home and used ruler to measure it ..
and it's 12cm!
omfg. >________<
It's super duper HIGH,
never mind,
I can learn how to wear from now,
because the presentation is at week 13,
and this week is week5 :)

So tired todayyy ;)

Wish everybody have a nice APRIL FOOL DAY today :P
and have a GREAT EASTER EGG DAY tomorrow ;)

gotta rest now. :)