Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hmmm .

Good Morning, World.!❤

Today I woke up at 8.30am :)
Last night was slept at 10pm.

Trying to be a Good Girl that without Insomnia :D!
And I'm success with this two days :)

Last night done one of the 3 tasks,
and today will trying to finish all the other 2 tasks.

must done my research for Marketing,
because tomorrow I'm going to friend's house to continue
the Marketing group presentation things,
Because we'll have a presentation during Thursday.

I just finished cook porridge for today's
Breakfast and Lunch ❤
Just simply love to eat Porridge :D

because I don't want to eat the same food again.
I feel HORRIBLE. =="

Going to start my tasks now :)


ByeBye, people.!